What is Dance and Choreography
Dance Choreography and music are a big part of Indian culture, that's why, when we talk about it as a course in India, we understand that it is a wider term and needs a lot more detail to be turned into a career. And, if you are someone who cannot stop imitating all the signature Bollywood steps, or creating Instagram reels over the viral signature steps, then it is quite possible that you have a thing for dance and you want to take it forward as a career in dance and choreography. BPA and MPA are the degree courses that you might want to pursue if you are interested in studying Dance and Choreography.
Scope of Dance and Choreography in India and Abroad
Graduation or post-graduation in any specialization of dance and choreography is the first step towards building a career in this performing art. Although, many times it may come as doubt in the minds of many students if Dance and Choreography has any scope in a country like India? Then, we would say, yes. The trend now is changing and shifting to giving the all-deserved recognition to performing arts as a career. You can pursue the enthusiastic job of a dance teacher or a professional choreographer. The options are plenty that we will discuss in our jobs section of the article.

Careers in Dance and Choreography
There are a plethora of job opportunities available in the field of dancing and choreography. Almost every school, college, and institution employees dance teachers and choreographers. With awareness for fitness at its rise, dancers and choreographers are one of the top choices to go. Some of the most prominent career options for people in dancing and choreography are mentioned below:
Dance Instructor
A dance instructor is responsible for training students in dance technique and dramatic skills. They often specialize in types of choreography such as ballet, jazz, or tap. Sometimes the dance instructor may choreograph some of the routines, and other times they may hire a professional choreographer to do it.
Dance Teacher
Dance teachers are responsible for leading dance classes for individuals or groups of people. Their duties are closely related to teaching various types of choreography.
Artistic Director
The person with overall responsibility for the selection and interpretation of the works performed by a theatre, ballet, or opera company.
Rehearsal Director
The rehearsal director is generally responsible for coordinating and supervising the rehearsals within a company. They may be known as the choreographer's right-hand man' and it is usually their responsibility to ensure that the dancers know and can interpret the work as set by the choreographer.
Stage Performers
In the performing arts, a performance generally comprises an event in which a performer or group of performers present one or more works of art to an audience. In instrumental music (and in drama), performance is typically described as "play". Usually, the performers participate in rehearsals beforehand.
Short Name of Program: DipCho
Full Name of Program: Diploma in Choreography
Program Duration: 2 years
Eligibility Criteria: Any
Exam Mode: Semester
Full Program Fees: 18000
Available Medium : English
Syllabus of DipCho (Diploma in Choreography )
Code | Sem / Year | Subject/Book |